Below are list of records and evidences that workplace must produced when inspected by any government agencies.
List of all employees in excel spreadsheet with details not limiting to full name, NRIC/FIN, Work Arrangement, Shift number for arrival/departure at workplace and break hours (if applicable), Team number if applicable
Signs and instruction at common spaces in the workplace that social gatherings or socialisation/congregation in groups are not allowed
If disposable masks are used, show how many new masks each employee is issued with daily.
Show how workplace access is limited only to essential employees and authorised visitors.
Show signs and instructions that unwell personnel are refused entry to the workplace.
For SafeEntry with NRIC, show signs informing visitors and employees of the declarations being made by checking in.
Show how safe distancing is carried out at workstations, and other common areas where congregation of workers may occur.
Show signs and instructions that suppliers / contractors are required to implement safe distancing measures.
Show how physical touchpoints have been minimised or precautions have been taken to minimise risk at these touchpoints.
Show cleaning schedules and any other relevant instructions to/documents from cleaning service provider.
Show arrangements for checks on temperature and respiratory symptoms, such as facilities set up to screen all employees and visitors or records of temperature checks.
Show records of communication to all workplace employees.
Show records of COVID-19-related conditions, MCs and test results reported by employees.
Show evacuation plan.
Show follow-up plan.
Provide monitoring plan for ensuring compliance with Safe Management Measures.
List, duties and detailed tasks of SMOs. Show records of inspections, checks, and corrective actions.
Free feel to comment or contact us if you have any query