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Unlocking the fundamental of ISO 41001:2018 requirements

The following provide key points how FM (Facilities Management) is entrusted by the demand organization to operate the facilities to meet the needs of the demand organization and its interest by adopting ISO 41001 standard.

Clause 4: Context of the Organization

An FM organization develop a well-defined procedure for documenting and dealing with any issues, whether internal or external, that are relevant to the organization that is likely to hinder it from meeting the set targets of an FMMS (Facilities Management Management System)

Clause 5: Leadership

Leadership and commitment – This requires the top management of an FM organization to demonstrate its commitment to the implementation and success of an FMMS. They can do this through the establishment and implementation of facilities management policies and objectives.

Policy – The policies should also address risk management, provides a framework for objective settlement, etc.

Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities – FM organization’s top management and other staff members are assigned different roles in an FMMS and enhance communication within the organization itself.

Clause 6: Planning

Risk will be developed by executing a strategy and objectives by the FM organization. FM organization focused on how to effectively manage the risks which can be positive or negative in nature to in order to meet the planned objectives.

Clause 7: Support

Resources – FM organization allocate the needed resources not limited to finance for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of FMMS.

Competence – FM organization is mandated to review the competence of anyone (internal and external) assigned any role in the FMMS.

Awareness – FM organization is expected to create awareness among the persons or entities regarding the policies and objectives of the FMMS.

Communication and Documentation – FM organization is responsible for enhancing communication and the persons in charge be able to document every information according to the ISO 41001 standards.

Organizational knowledge – All the processes and operations that run within an FM organization for its success and conformity to these international standards require knowledge. All those involved are required to access the knowledge through training and maintenance of the FMMS.

Clause 8 : Operation

Operational Planning control – An FM organization to be proactively involved in the planning, implementation, and controlling of all the process that are intended to meet the standards requirements.

Co-ordination with all the parties involved – The relationship between the FM organization and its customers and stakeholders should be maintained, and that is the role of the organization as spelled out in the ISO 41001.

Integration of services – Facilities management should enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery and demonstrate how that is realized.

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation

Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation – All FM services have to be monitored, analyzed, evaluated, and improved according to the results obtained.

Internal Audit – An FM organization is expected to carry out internal auditing at agreed interval.

Management review – The top-level management should be evaluating or reviewing its FMMS at agreed intervals.

Clause 10: Improvement

Non-Conformity and corrective plan – An FM organization is expected to correct any non-conformities according when deviate from the plan or objectives.

Continual improvement – From the measuring, evaluating, analyzing the results, a n FM organization should devise improvement plans.

Preventive actions – An FM organization is required to lay down preventive measures and risk mitigation actions.


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