Conduct regular cleaning of common spaces such as public access area, meeting room, photocopier machine etc
Where physical meetings are held or meals are taken at common spaces such as pantries or canteens, employers must clean and disinfect tables between each meeting or seating.
Employers must ensure that machinery and equipment shared between different employees across different shifts or alternate teams are cleaned and disinfected before changing hands.
Cleaning agents (e.g. hand soap, toilet paper) must be available at all toilets and hand-wash stations.
Disinfecting agents (e.g. hand sanitisers) must be installed at all human traffic stoppage points within the workplace, such as entrances, reception areas, security booths and lift lobbies.
Provide hand sanitisers to frontline personnel who handle cash and other items, and are unable to wash their hands frequently with soap and water. These personnel should sanitise their hands after handling cash and before handling food-related items such as packaging and utensils.