How to implement safe management measures at construction worksite?
Updated: Jun 1, 2020
Establish and implement a system on Safe Management Measures to provide a safe working environment and minimise risks of further outbreaks.
Builder to appoint Safe Management Officers (“SMO”) and Safe Distancing Officers (“SDO”) based on the following requirements:
Total no. of workers3 ≤ 10 – 1 SDO
Total no. of workers > 10 but ≤ 50 – 1 SMO and 1 SDO
Total no. of workers > 50 – at least 1 SMO, and 1 SDO for every 50
SMO to assist in the implementation and coordination of the system of Safe Management Measures at the workplace.
SDO to assist SMO in ensuring the SMM are complied with and to help in carrying
out necessary corrective actions. SDO to notify SMO and Builder if non-compliances to SMM are detected.
SMO and SDO are required to attend the Safe Management Officers training for the construction sector. For more details on Safe Management Officers training, please visit .
Builder to implement a detailed monitoring plan to ensure compliance with Safe Management Measures and to ensure issues (e.g. remedy of non-compliance, risk mitigation) are resolved in a timely manner
Workers working on the same project are to be cohorted together within a dedicated accommodation.
Segregated teams are required if workers are working on different activities
Builder to segregate workers at the worksite into teams (undertaking the same activity), with each team restricted to working within a single zone.
Builder to stagger working and break hours by work teams to reduce possible congregation of employees at all shared facilities.
Builder to limit workplace access to only essential employees and authorised visitors.
SMOs to require all personnel, at the worksite to download and activate the TraceTogether app
Builder to conduct regular temperature screening and check for respiratory symptoms for all employees at least twice daily, and for visitors where relevant.
All personnel to keep a clear physical spacing of at least 1 metre between all other persons at all times.
Builder to have all employees who can telecommute to do so.
All supervisors to conduct all inspections virtually, where possible.
For workers who need to be at site for short durations, to carry out their site visits and tasks outside the work hours of the main workforce (including during off hours i.e. at night/weekends or before work times), where possible.
Specialist contractors who only need to work in construction sites for a short duration (1 or 2 days a week) E.g. installation of civil-defence shelter doors, fire doors, and waterproofing works, and whose workers work on multiple sites, must comply with the following conditions:
SMO to require delivery personnel to implement similar safe distancing measures while onsite.
SMO to require all onsite personnel, to wear masks (either cloth or disposable) and other necessary personal protective equipment at all times, except during activities that require masks to be removed (e.g. mealtimes).
Builder to regularly clean and maintain shared facilities and equipment, particularly during shift or segregated team changeovers.
Builder to require each employee to visit only one clinic for check-ups if unwell. Otherwise, the employee must inform the clinic of all recent doctor visits over past 14 days for any symptoms that may be related to COVID-19.
SMO to put in place an evacuation plan for suspected cases, as well as for all other onsite personnel.
SMO to put in place follow-up plan in the event of a confirmed case.