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Which general cleaning products are effective against Covid-19?

Below are list of cleaning products effective against Covid-19

  1. A333 Antimicrobial Surface Protectant

  2. Aeris Active

  3. Antimicrobial Surface Protectant

  4. AlphaShield 7day Surface Sanitiser and Protectant

  5. Bin Buddy Spray Citrus

  6. Calfarme FOAMCARE Spray & wipe all Purpose Surface Sanitizer

  7. CIF Power & Shine Multipurpose Anti-Bac Spray 700ml

  8. CIF Professional All Purpose Cleaner

  9. CIF Professional Disinfectant Floor Cleaner 5L

  10. Clorox Disinfectant Wipes 

  11. Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner (Various Scents) 

  12. Dettol Anti-bacterial Surface Cleanser Spray 

  13. E-Bio Disinfectant Concentrate

  14. FairPrice Anti-Bacterial Wet Wipes

  15. 2XL Force Wipes

  16. 2XL Force Wipes 2

  17. GK Germ Killer GK Air

  18. GK Germ Killer GK Surface

  19. GK Germ Killer GK Concentrate (Citronella/Floral)

  20. Hygelab Disinfectant

  21. Intense Rescue Multipurpose Disinfectant Spray by Organica 

  22. Magiclean Floor Cleaner (Various Scent)

  23. Magiclean Wiper Wet Sheets

  24. MAX Clean Multiprpose Cleaner-Aqua Lily

  25. MDF-500 (Part A&B)

  26. MITU Wetties Family Wet Wipes (Various Scents)

  27. Mr Muscle Multi-Purpose Cleaner (Various Scents) 

  28. Phyto PA-241 Plus+

  29. Pure Antimicrobial Concentrate

  30. PURSUE Disinfectant Cleaner One Step

  31. Sanitiser guard

  32. Simple Green Clean Finish Disinfectant Cleaner

  33. Spray Nine Heavy Duty Cleaner / Degreaser / Disinfectant

  34. Softess Anti-Bacterial Wet Wipes (Various Scent)

  35. Soluball Floor and Surface Detergent Capsules (Various Scents)

  36. Stella Home Fabric Spray

  37. Supersteam Double Safe

  38. Supersteam Double Safe (IPA)

  39. Supersteam Sani-Pine

  40. Supersteam Sani Safe

  41. Swipe The Super Concentrate Disinfectant Floor Cleaner

  42. Vimasol Disinfectant Air and Surface

  43. Vsafe Multi-purpose Sanitiser

  44. Yuri Aganol Floor Cleaner

  45. Yuri-Sol

  46. Zazacorona

  47. Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid 

  48. Dettol Antiseptic Germicide 

  49. FairPrice antiseptic Germicide

  50. Walch Antiseptic Germicide (Various Scents)

  51. Jackie Disinfectant & Air-Freshener

  52. Jackie Disinfectant Spray

  53. Lysol Disinfectant Spray (Various Scents)

  54. Young Living Thieves Spray

  55. BestChem Disinfectant (250 mL, 500 mL)

  56. EnviroCare Blue Max Disinfectant

  57. BestChem Bleach Disinfectant

  58. Budget Bleach 

  59. Buster Sink & Drain active Foam Cleaner

  60. Clorox All Purpose Cleaner with Bleach

  61. Clorox Bleach Original

  62. Clorox Clean-Up All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach (Various Scents)

  63. Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner + Bleach

  64. D-Bleach Chlorinated Bleach 4.5%

  65. Domestos Bleach Spray

  66. Domesto Professional Thick Bleach

  67. Essential Waitrose Thick Bleach Original

  68. FairPrice Anti-Bacterial Bleach 

  69. Giant All Purpose Household Bleach

  70. HomeNiks Bleach

  71. MAX clean Mould & Mildew Remover

  72. Mr Muscle Mold & Mildew

  73. Yuri Bleach (Various Scents)

  74. Vavie Strong Alkaline Cleaning Water

Disclaimer: Any posting shown in the listing does not constitute or imply any affiliation, relationship or sponsorship of the products in the listing. Every product needs to be used in the right way and according to specification. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from or incidental to any use of products/services in the listing.



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