Employers should check if your workers’ dormitory have implemented measures to reduce inter-mixing of residents across rooms, levels and blocks, and the use of common facilities.
Employers have to ensure that your workers submit their health readings daily to MOM, and that workers who are unwell are quickly isolated and provided medical treatment.
Only workers who are cleared of COVID-19, and who are residing in specified dormitories or specified blocks within a dormitory will be allowed to leave the dormitory for work, subject to their employers having the approval to re-open. Workers must return to the dormitory immediately after work.
As workers are not allowed to leave their dormitory to buy groceries or packed meals, employers should ensure their workers continue to have access to food and essential items, regardless whether they are eligible to work.
Employers should work with dormitory operators to instruct their workers to move to other rooms in the dormitory to facilitate the dormitory clearance process.
Employers must also arrange private transportation for your own workers staying in dormitories to commute to and from their workplaces, and with no other passengers.